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Ballet Dancers

At MUCAI Academy, lack of finances should not be a barrier for students who want to dance and are dedicated to improving themselves, through dance. Need based assistance is available to students whose family income is within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. 80% attendance in all classes and rehearsals is required.

Apply today.
Student Birthday

Terms and Conditions:

Financial assistance is need based, determined by household income as compared to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level for the current year. Student talent is not a criteria and will not be considered in the qualification process.

Full assistance is never awarded. Awards may cover all or part of a student's tuition, but will still require families to provide needed class attire and pay costume usage fees, based on our posted pricing list. Parents of awarded students are required to volunteer for one or more of the following, as needed:

  • Studio supervision when there is only one staff member in the building

  • Performance assistance

Fees and hotel room costs, for participation in MUCAI Dance Group will be covered for students and teachers. All participants must cover their own food and concession expenses. In addition, parents and chaperones traveling with MDG must cover their own hotel costs.

Awarded students are required to attend at least 80% of all classes and rehearsals scheduled for each season, for a commitment of one year from the date of the award being given. After one year, reapplication is require to continue receiving financial assistance.

Do you accept and agree to the above terms and conditions?
Yes, I accept and agree
No (non-acceptance will result in this application being denied)
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